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This page store the archive of the emails send out to clubs in 105A, UK.

2024 August
20 District Youth Party - November 2024 - Reminder
19 Reminder -submission of candidates for the positions of DG, FVDG 2nd VDG
18 LCIF letter - September
17 District - Lions ChildSight UK Launch Appeal
16 Join August's Drop-in session -29-8-24
15 Double Dose of Social Media Training - a reminder
14 Sad News - Lion Zafar Raniwala of Southall Lions Club
13 Standard Club Constitution - 2024
12 July Pride of Lions
11 Gift Aid Reminder for Clubs
10 Double Dose of Social Media Training - 7th and 8th September
09 Sad News - Lion Trish Newton of LGC and Baldock Lions Club
08 Multiple District Officer Vacancies - August 2024
07 Youth Exchange Celebration evening reminder
06 August Drop-in Session -for all Lions - 29/8/24
05 Kindness Matters Service Award 2023-2024
04 Lions International Eye Centre, Korle Bu- latest newsletter August 2024
03 Youth Exchange Celebration evening
02 Your Portal Beckons; lets get used to it (Reminder)
01 New Voices - New Voices Champions
2024 July
23 Message from District Almoner and Archivist
22 District 105A Directory for 2024-2025 (see see email that was sent)
21 Prostate Cancer Awareness
20 District Governor's Golf Day - 10th September 2024
19 July's Monthly Drop-In Session for all Lions (reminder)
18 Message in a Bottle
17 Sad News - Lion Keith Harvey of the Lions Club of Winslow
16 District 105A Club Officers Directory
15 Plea for host families for Youth Exchange programme
14 July's Monthly Drop-In Session for all Lions
13 16th District Youth Celebrations - 24th November 2024
12 LIBRA Summer Newsletter
11 Your Portal beckons; let's get used to it
10 Draft District 105A Directory
09 District Health and Safety Compliance Register
08 DG Kadambari - Letter head & Zoom Template (please refer to the email sent out)
07 DG Kadambari's Charity Golf Day
06 District Handover 2024 Photos
05 Make your voice and ideas heard
04 District Kindness Matters Award Reminder
03 Call for DG & VDG nominations, Convention Call & other key date reminders
02 Pride of Lions June 2024
01 Welcome message from DG Kadambari Shah

2024 June
15 Diabetes PowerPoint and Zoom Presentation with Diabetes UK
14 Last Letter From DG Lesley
13 Final Reminder : District 105a Handover
12 Lion Steve Foott's guide  to setting up next years officers on new Portal
11 Making your Voice and Ideas Matter in Your Club
10 Final Monthly Drop-In Session of 2023/2024
09 Creative Writer, Editor and Proofreader for the LION Magazine
08 Last Constitution, Nominations & Resolution District Mailout 2023-2024
07 District 105A Club Officers 2024-25
06 Diabetes UK presentation Reminder
05 District 105A Handover Reminder
04 Donations To LCIF
03 PoL May 2024
02 Sad News:  Funeral arrangements for Lion Tony Dowell
01 Sad News:  Funeral arrangements for Lion Mahanbir Singh Kalsi

2024 May
13 Vacancies remaining for Multiple District Officers
12 Lets #GoGreen and celebrate World Environment Day on 2nd June 2024
11 Looking for Youth Exchange Host Families – can you help?
10 Urgent Training Session Reminder
09 Sad News: Lion Mahanbir Singh Kalsi
08 District 105A Handover
07 Sad News:  Lion Tony Dowell
06 Club Officer Training Sessions
05 Diabetes UK - presentation - 12 June 2024 19:15 for 19:30 start
04 Diabetes UK Save the Date - 12 June 2024 at 7.30 pm
03 Sad News: Lion Peter Gent
02 PoL April 2024
01 May and June Training Sessions

2024 April
13 LCIF Golf Day 16 May 2024 reminder
12 Sad News PDG Lion Rati Shah funeral arrangements
11 Sad News PDG Lion Rati Shah
10 Youth Exchange
09 Kindness Matters Service Award 2023-2024
08 April 2024 New Members Orientation reminder
07 Peace Poster & Essay Competition
06 April 2024 New Members Orientation
05 Taipei Earth Quake Appeal
04 Lions #GoGreen Tree Planting Earth Day 21 Apr 2024
03 March Pride of Lions (PoL)
02 Sad News Lion Bob Rice's funeral details
01 LCIF Golf Day 16 May 2024

2024 March
08 March District mail out
     1 Lions International Blood Research Appeal - LIBRA Challenge run, jog or walk across the south cost
     2 MD Officer vacancies 2024-25
     3 Roar Information Evening - NEW dates for 4 & 10 April
     4 Weston Super Mare Convention 2024 Newsletter 2

07 Brain Tumour Research Challenge
06 GLT March Drop-In to all Lions
05 Gift for Living Appeal
04 Earth Day
03 GLT March Drop-In
02 MD Convention 2024 Resolutions email
01 Sad News Bob Rice
00 Send 9th March
  1. Activity Alliance Appeal 2024
  2. PoL Feb 2024
  3. World Cancer Day